Jørgen Randers
Jørgen Randers is Professor of Policy Analysis at the Norwegian School of Management, Oslo, where he teaches scenario analysis and corporate responsibility. He lectures internationally on sustainable development, within and outside corporations. He is a non-executive member of a number of corporate boards in Norway, including the multinational Tomra ASA. He also sits on the “sustainability councils” of British Telecom in the UK and The Dow Chemical Company in the US. Recently he chaired the Commission on Low Greenhouse Gas Emissions which reported in 2006 to the Norwegian cabinet on how Norway can cut its gas emissions by two-thirds by 2050. He was formerly President of the Norwegian School of Management 1981–89, and Deputy Director-General of WWF International (World Wide Fund for Nature) in Switzerland 1994–99. He has authored a number of books and scientific papers, including The Limits to Growth (1972) and Limits to Growth—The 30 Year Update (2004). He chairs WWF–Norway.
Papers Published in World Economics:
How Can Norway Become A Climate-Friendly Society?![Download this paper...](https://img.icons8.com/?size=512&id=60977&format=png)
In March 2005, the Norwegian Government appointed a seven-person expert Commission on Low Emissions and asked it to describe how Norway could cut its greenhouse gas emissions by about two–thirds below its Kyoto obligation, by 2050. The Commission delivered its unanimous recommendation in October 2006 (NOU 2006:18 Et klimavennlig Norge—Norwegian White Paper No. 18, 2006: A climate-friendly Norway) which states that such cut is not only necessary, but also feasible and not unreasonably expensive. In its report, the Commission proposed a package of 15 measures to achieve such steep cuts by 2050, largely within Norwegian territory, and indicated what must be done in the short term to start moving towards this goal. This paper summarizes the Commission’s report.
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