Timothy Lane
Timothy Lane is Assistant Director in the Policy Development and Review Department of the International Monetary Fund. In that capacity, he has been responsible for work on various issues, including the design of IMF-supported programs, the conditionality attached to IMF financing, the IMF’s role in emerging market crises, and assessments of debt sustainability. His previous research has addressed a variety of topics mainly related to monetary policy and economic transition. He received his PhD in Economics from the University of Western Ontario. During 2004–2005, he is on leave at the University of Oxford as an academic visitor in the Department of Economics and an Oliver Smithies Visiting Fellow of Balliol College.
Papers Published in World Economics:
Tensions in the Role of the IMF and Directions for Reform
While the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has evolved considerably since its foundation 60 years ago, the past few years have brought fresh challenges. This paper discusses four key areas in which developments have led to a rethinking of the institution’s role: the emerging market financial crises, the changing role of conditionality, the phenomenon of prolonged use, and the search for a clearer role in low-income countries. In response to these challenges, important reforms have been undertaken to strengthen the institution’s effectiveness, but important tensions remain unresolved. The paper discusses the implications for the governance of the institution.
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