Rachel Warren

Rachel Warren is deputy leader of the Tyndall Centre’s integrated modeling team where she links estimates of economic costs of climate policies with estimates of the resultant avoided damages. She is jointly based at the University of East Anglia and 4CMR at the University of Cambridge. In 2006 she led two teams in producing input for the Stern Review. She is a lead author in the latest IPCC report.

Papers Published in World Economics:

Response to ‘The Stern Review: A Dual Critique’

This article is a response to the articles in the previous issue of World Economics by Carter et al. and Byatt et al., which criticized the Stern Review of the Economics of Climate Change’s assessment of the potential impacts of climate change. The authors demonstrate that the Stern Review does not underestimate the extent of uncertainty, and does not introduce bias by ignoring the effects of adaptation. The assessment does represent the effects of different socioeconomic futures on impact, and does explain the key sources of uncertainty. The indicators of impact used in the assessment either take adaptation into account (food security, coastal flooding) or represent exposure to impact, and hence indicate a demand for adaptation if impacts are to be avoided.

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