Piotr Konwicki

Piotr KonwickiPiotr Konwicki is a Senior Lecturer, Finance, at Claude Littner Business School, University of West London. His teaching experience includes Hult Business School (Boston), New College of Humanities, European Business School, BPP University College and University of Bedfordshire. Piotr's Ph.D. thesis on 'Technical Barriers to Trade between Poland and the EU' became part of the Polish White Paper during country's EU accession negotiations. His research interest include Islamic Finance (the latest paper on "Islamic Finance: challenges and opportunities in 2017" has been published by International Business and Global Economy Journal in December 2017), Alternative Investment (latest article on Islamic Private Equity in Africa has been published by Private Equity International), Valuation of companies and general economic problems of taxation and regulation. Piotr is also a co-author of a textbook on Contemporary World Economy, published by the Gdansk University Publications.

Papers Published in World Economics:

Measuring the Impact of Terror

Events observed in Israel include terror attacks, controversial elections and unexpected wars, the impact of which can be analysed on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange in terms of abnormal returns. Results show that defence and high-tech industries react positively to these events while other industries have a negative reaction. Recent data demonstrate that these events create positive abnormal market reactions when Israel is at war with Palestine and Lebanon because of the high number of defence and high-tech companies listed on Tel Aviv Stock Exchange. A phenomenon of the ‘normalisation of terror’ can be observed in the stock exchange, as the market reacted negatively to events in 2002 but has become more resilient to recent events.

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Why Russia Resists Facebook

The social media websites phenomenon started in 1997 with SixDegrees.com, which allowed users to create profiles, list their Friends and surf the Friends lists. Facebook launched in 2004 and became synonymous with the growth of this sector, exceeding 1.1 billion active users in 2013. Russia is, however, a major country with open-market access where Facebook has not been in a position to compete successfully with local service providers. This article examines the defining features of social networking sites and their growth potential worldwide, looks at the factors which influence their valuation and analyses unique features of the Russian market which have to date prevented Facebook’s expansion.

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