Peter Dearden

Peter DeardenPeter Dearden is a senior economist in DFID’s Africa Regional Department, providing advice on regional economic integration including infrastructure and trade. Peter’s first degree was in Agricultural Economics followed by a postgraduate Development Economics MA. Peter has provided economic advice to DFID on a range of issues including aid effectiveness, regional integration, and trade.

Papers Published in World Economics:

Connecting the African Continent

This paper provides an overview of the contribution of economic infrastructure to growth and human development in Africa. Challenges for infrastructure provision including finance, recurrent costs and public-sector responsibilities are covered, together with assessment of the global trends of urbanisation, climate change and future resource scarcity. The paper describes and explains the work of the UK Department for International Development on economic infrastructure in Africa, covering innovations in areas of private-sector infrastructure, regional approaches, improving the investment climate, and international coordination. The paper concludes with several policy directions for current political processes.

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