Percival S. Gabriel
Percival S. Gabriel is an associate professor at the University of the East (Manila, Philippines) College of Arts and Sciences. He was the former chairman of the Department of History and International Studies where he teaches International Economics, Econometrics, International Relations, International Law, Political Geography and Philippine History. He has written papers on the effect of public information on the movement of the stock market and the prices of rice as the Filipino staple cereal. He has also written theoretical papers that combine time, information and prices in a competitive market and the nexus of geography, information and power on the prices of oil. He is also a literary writer.
Papers Published in World Economics:
Measuring Income Inequality and Insufficiency
Income inequality is normally illustrated by the Lorenz curve and measured by the Gini coefficient and other variant measures. Standard estimates exclude what is left of income when expenditure is subtracted and some groups have income insufficiency, income sufficiency or a surfeit of income—income sufficiency. This paper presents an income insufficiency index (Uiix) using the technique employed by Lorenz to calculate regions of surplus and the area of deficits, dividing them to create a new ratio. The new index is compared with standard measures of inequality using income to add more welfare substance using historical data from the Philippines from 1961 to 2012.
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