Helen Kavvadia
Email: helen.kavvadia@ext.uni.lu
Helen Kavvadia (Dr.) is Visiting Research Associate, at the Institute of Political Science of the University of Luxembourg. Prior to this, she was a Senior Adviser at the Communications Department of the European Investment Bank (EIB), which she joined initially as a Loan Officer. She holds a PhD in Economics and Political Science from the Panteion University in Athens, and an MSc at the London School of Economics (LSE) and a Diploma in Diplomatic and Strategic Studies at the Centre des Études Diplomatiques et Stratégiques (CEDS), after graduating the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and The American College of Greece. Her research interest focuses on political economy and economic diplomacy, a topic she teaches at the University of Luxembourg, since 2017.
Papers Published in World Economics:
Funding Economic Development and the Role of National Development Banks
Prior to its privatisation in 2008, the Cyprus Development Bank played an important role in the economic development of Cyprus, intermediating international finance from multilateral development banks. This function was subsequently undertaken by commercial banks, which are currently limited by balance-sheet fatigue, however, and lack necessary elements for successfully executing this role. Our analysis shows a current void of institutional capacity in funding growth-bearing projects. Proceeding in a normative way, we recommend reinstalling a development finance agency that will tackle the issues by swapping equity for debt relief.
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