Graham Hacche
Graham Hacche, who is from Wales, currently is at Nuffield College, Oxford, on sabbatical leave from his position as deputy director of the IMF’s External Relations Department, which he has held since 1999. He has been a staff member of the IMF for 25 years. The other positions he has held at the Fund include assistant director of the Research Department heading its World Economic Studies Division, which produces the IMF’s World Economic Outlook publication, and speech-writer for the then Managing Director Michel Camdessus. He was formerly an economist at the Bank of England and a consultant at the OECD. His earlier publications include a textbook on the theory of economic growth and research papers on the determination of exchange rates and the demand for money in the UK. He has degrees in economics from Cambridge and Oxford Universities.
Papers Published in World Economics:
A Non-Definitive Guide to the IMF
The recent book by James R. Vreeland, The International Monetary Fund: Politics of Conditional Lending, is meant to provide “a definitive guide to the organization”. This review article argues that it falls well short of this ambitious aim. It is already somewhat dated. It is almost entirely about IMF lending, largely neglecting surveillance, arguably the Fund’s most important activity. And although it provides a useful survey of the literature, its critique of IMF lending is based on interpretations of the empirical evidence and arguments of some IMF critics many of which are questionable. The book also suffers from various confusions and misunderstandings. It is therefore an unreliable guide to the organization.
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