Eric Jones

Eric Jones is Distinguished Fellow of the Centre for Business and Public Policy, Melbourne Business School, University of Melbourne, and Visiting Professor, University of Exeter. He has written one hundred articles and a number of books on economic history, environmental history and international affairs. The books include Agriculture and the Industrial Revolution (Blackwell, 1974), The European Miracle: environments, economies, and geopolitics in the history of Europe and Asia (Cambridge, 1981, 3rd edn 2003), Growth Recurring: economic change in world history (Oxford, 1988, 2nd edn University of Michigan Press, 2000) and Cultures Merging: a historical and economic critique of culture (Princeton, 2006).

Papers Published in World Economics:

Missing Out on Industrial Revolution
Author: Eric Jones

Explanations of industrialisation stress England’s nineteenth-century abrupt departure from a common Eurasian pattern. This paper examines the preceding de-industrialisation of Southern England and limited development of Tokugawa Japan (the shogunate that ruled Japan from 1600–1868), which throw clearer light on the processes involved. English industrialisation was regional, resulting from competition within a market unified by seventeenth- and eighteenth-century improvements in communications. The old industries of Southern England were eliminated before the application of steam to manufacturing in the North. Underpinning regional competition were transportation investments encouraged by the ‘elite settlement’ of 1688, and by market ideology. The paper shows that Japan independently followed a parallel path between 1600 and 1700. Its elite settlement was weaker than England’s but both countries were already constructing the ‘open access orders’ characteristic of modern economies.

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