Dariana Tani

Email: Dariana.Tani@worldeconomics.com

Dariana TaniDariana Tani is an Economist at World Economics, focusing on the production of economic data, reports and analysis. Prior to joining World Economics, Dariana worked as a research assistant to Prof. Peter Sinclair, concentrating on longterm growth and demographic modelling. Dariana holds both an MA and MSc in Economics from Heriot- Watt University and Warwick University. Her main areas of research interests include Institutions and Economic Growth, International Economics, Monetary Policy, and Econometrics.

Papers Published in World Economics:

Measuring Natural Capital
Author: Dariana Tani

The purpose of this paper is to highlight the importance of establishing a system of natural capital accounting. Natural capital is integral to the economy and yet it is routinely taken for granted because the goods and services it provides are generally freely available. The consequence is that without prices, these resources are not being allocated efficiently within the economy and opportunities for significant gains in well-being and the possibility of long-term future growth are being lost. Recent works by the World Bank and the Inclusive Wealth Report have provided a wealth accounting framework, which gives more emphasis to environmental assets; however, due to data and methodological limitations, they inevitably failed to capture all assets of natural capital as defined by the Natural Capital Committee’s (NCC) State of Natural Capital Report.

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