Areendam Chanda

Areendam Chanda is assistant professor at North Carolina State University where he teaches macroeconomics and economic growth. His research focuses on the role of institutions, human capital, and international financial liberalization in economic growth. He has recently published papers in the Journal of Economic Growth and the Journal of International Economics.

Papers Published in World Economics:

The Quest for Development

It may be no coincidence that those countries that grew most rapidly in the late twentieth century—including South Korea, China, and, of late, India—were relatively developed civilizations when Western Europe began its overseas expansion five centuries ago. In this article the authors explore the literature showing that institutions matter to growth, then examine new evidence that the ‘social capability’ to achieve growth is a function of capacities that go beyond the formal education system. Remarkably, a long history of nationhood at the time of Columbus means better odds of growth today.

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