Andrew Raingold
Andrew Raingold is Deputy Director of the Aldersgate Group, a high-level coalition of leading companies, NGOs, professional bodies, MPs and others who promote the economic case for high environmental standards. He leads the Group’s campaign for the introduction for a common and robust carbon reporting standard in the UK.
Papers Published in World Economics:
Carbon Commitments Must Translate into Real Action
The efforts of political leaders to negotiate a global agreement to reduce carbon emissions highlights the importance of consistent action at the domestic level. To gauge the efficacy of any international agreement and subsequent reductions, a clear, consistent and comparable approach to carbon disclosure must be adopted by UK companies. This allows economic benefits, as carbon reporting is an enabler for energy efficiency and a driver for better, cleaner technology in new markets. Furthermore, the pursuit of the perfect reporting framework must not be the enemy of the good, as the urgent need to address the causes of climate change requires immediate action to drive reduction in carbon emissions by UK plc.
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