Adair Turner
Adair Turner is Vice Chairman of
Merrill Lynch Europe, Chair of the
Low Pay Commission, Chair of the
Independent Pension Commission, a
Director of United Business Media,
and a visiting Professor at the London
School of Economics. He was head of
the Confederation of British Industry,
1995–1999. His recent book, Just
Capital—the Liberal Economy, is
published by Macmillan.
Papers Published in World Economics:
Capitalism and the End of History
In this article Adair Turner explores the relative economic and social success of
different variants of capitalism, and considers how societies best reconcile the
objectives of economic dynamism with those of social inclusion and
environmental responsibility. He also addresses the wider issue of the
relationship between economics, politics and culture—the issue of whether we
are right to assume that any variant of capitalism, or indeed any model of society,
is a universal model.
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