Xavier Sala-i-Martin
Xavier Sala-i-Martin was educated at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, and Harvard University. He taught at Yale (1990–96), and Columbia (1996–to date) where he is currently Professor of Economics. He was a Visiting Professor at Barcelona’s Universitat Pompeu Fabra (1994–2005) and Visiting Professor at Harvard University in 2003–04. Among his many professional activities, Professor Sala-i-Martin has been a consultant to the IMF and World Bank (since 1993), and Senior Economic Advisor to the World Economic Forum (since 2002). In 2002, he founded the Umbele Foundation: A Future for Africa. He is the co-author, with Robert Barro, of the leading graduate textbook Economic Growth (2003), and is Associate Editor of the Journal of Economic Growth.
Papers Published in World Economics:
The Enduring Elixir of Economic Growth
Author: An interview with introduction by Brian Snowdon
“I think that the most important question that an economist can ask is, What is it that makes a country grow? More than anything else it is economic growth that affects human welfare…this is why it must remain a major research interest for economists.” In this interview Xavier Sala-i-Martin—widely recognised as one of the world’s leading economists in the field of economic growth—discusses with Brian Snowdon several important issues relating to economic growth and development. The interview, which follows a review of the historical context of recent research, addresses arguments about growth and history, theories and models, globalisation and convergence, political barriers and the ‘natural resource curse’, the impact of religion and culture, and questions of international inequality, foreign aid, human capital, geography, competitiveness, economic and political freedom, and happiness.
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