Michael Brown

Email: mike.brown@bcu.ac.uk

Michael BrownMichael Brown is Head of the Centre of Corporate Reputation and Strategy at Birmingham City Business School. He is the author of multiple academic articles in internationally recognised journals, including British Journal of Management, Long Range Planning, Service Industries Journal, Strategic Change and Business Performance. He has led research for the past 20 years into the Reputation of Britain’s Most Admired Companies. He is co-author of the book The Admirable Company and has contributed chapters to a number of book publications. Professor Brown has worked in Europe, Africa, the former Soviet Union and the Far East, and has given guest lectures at a number of Universities in the US. In the UK he has also been invited to lecture at London Business School, Manchester Business School and the Association of Business Schools. He has presented papers at multiple international conferences, including AOM, BAM, IFSAM, EAERCD and EITASS, and he is a reviewer for BJM and BAM.

Papers Published in World Economics:

Using Reputation to Grow Corporate Value

Corporate reputations rank amongst companies’ most valuable assets. They are delivering substantial proportions of their market capitalisations and are a major source of value generation. Their significance is being felt in a wide variety of business sectors including real estate and in particular Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) where, as this paper demonstrates, they have become critical drivers of shareholder value as investors increasingly find the surveyor estimates of underlying asset values wanting. This is having significant implications on how, for example, REITs need to manage their corporate reputations and deploy the likes of reputation value analysis to ensure that the messaging they’re delivering is both securing and growing corporate value.

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