Lynne Nikolychuk

Lynne Nikolychuk is Lecturer in Cultural Management at the Centre for Cultural, Media and Creative Industries Research (CMCI) at King’s College London, and senior visiting research associate at Judge Business School (JBS), University of Cambridge. Her primary research interest is the study of emergent business models and organising practices in relation to ongoing digital technology development in the media sectors.

Papers Published in World Economics:

Lynne Nikolychuk on Gerben Bakker: Entertainment Industrialised: The Emergence of the International Film Idustry, 1890-1940
Author: Lynne Nikolychuk

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Managerial Performance and Contract Instability in the Market for National Football Coaches

In this paper, the authors investigate the relationship between managerial performance of national football coaches and their length of contract term to consider the extent to which relatively higher turnover may have affected team performance outcomes. The contract periods of coaches from the top twenty national teams during a thirteen year period from 1993 to 2006 are examined alongside their respective Fédération Internationale des Football Associations (FIFA) team performance rankings. The findings are evaluated in comparison with some of the main theoretical viewpoints traditionally relied upon to assess this phenomenon. The results suggest that broadening both theoretical and methodological approaches is needed to assess more adequately the complexity of these activities.

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