Jagdish Bhagwati
Jagdish Bhagwati, interviewed in this issue, moved in 1980 to Colombia University, where he is now University Professor, after 12 years as Ford International Professor of Economics at MIT. Professor Bhagwati is widely recognised as one of the world’s leading trade theorists. He is currently Special Advisor to the United Nations on Globalisation and an External Advisor to the World Trade Organisation. During the 2000–01 academic year Professor Bhagwati was on leave as the Andre Meyer Senior Fellow in International Economics at the Council on Foreign Relations. During his career he has published over two hundred articles in leading academic journals. He is also the author of over forty books, the most recent being, The Wind of the Hundred Days: How Washington Mismanaged Globalisation (MIT Press, 2000). He is currently writing a new book on globalisation.
Papers Published in World Economics:
Championing Free Trade in the Second Age of Globalisation
Author: An interview with introduction by Brian Snowdon
Professor Jagdish Bhagwati is without question one of the world’s leading
economists and an authority on the principles and practice of foreign trade. In his extensive research over the past forty years he has made seminal contributions to trade theory and policy, public finance, the new political economy, development theory and policy and India’s economic development. Recently, Professor Bhagwati has been an outspoken critic of US trade policy, capital account liberalisation in developing countries and the global trend towards establishing preferential trade agreements and regional trade blocs. He also continues to champion the case for free trade against the ‘anti-globalists’ who, in order to achieve a variety of social and environmental agendas, advocate various forms of protectionism. Professor Bhagwati gives his views on these, and several other important global issues.
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