Call for Papers on Indonesia

Papers welcomed on all aspects of economic activity.

Papers of particular interest are on the accuracy of economic and demographic statistics, on the size and shape of the informal economy, on income and capital wealth per capita, inequality, the debt burden, and similar subjects.

Papers on all aspects of statistical methods for producing economic data, including traditional and non-traditional means of data collection are equally welcome. And papers on the practical problems of gathering data in large populous developing countries is a further area of interest.
See submission guidelines...

A paper from our sister organisation World Economics shown here illustrate areas of particular concern and interest.

Indonesia: A Major Success Story

The Indonesian economy is estimated by World Economics to be 42.1% larger than official data suggests, and is likely within the next three years to overtake Germany and Japan to become the world's fifth biggest economy.

Key potentially favourable indicators include a ten year record of rapid believable (as based on useable data) economic growth; a large domestic market of 277 million people; growth in GDP per capita significantly faster than other Emerging Markets; unusually low debt compared with other developing countries; and a young population profile.

Negative indicators include rising average annual temperatures in an already equatorial climate, relatively high inequality and corruption.

► See data report on

February Editorial

Dangerously Misleading Debt Data

The most powerful form of lie is the omission – George Orwell

Debt poses a serious problem in most developed countries, and in many developing ones. But statistical omission and obfuscation hide the true problem. Rapidly rising numbers of old age dependants plus unfunded pay-as-you-go social security schemes are already causing unrest. More is likely to follow as state backed promises of medical and old age support become impossible to fulfil.

The problem is far greater than official debt figures suggest. Government debt data in most countries massively understates the real situation. Almost all commentary on country debt is focussed on official Government country debt as a percentage of GDP. But....

A Selection of Recent Journal Papers

The Informal Economy of the BRICS

This article evaluates the impact of trade liberalisation on the informal economy in the BRICS countries, which have significant unorganised sectors and trade policy changes. The article uses panel data from 1996 to 2015 to measure informality based on the method of Kaufmann and Kaliberda, which estimates the size of the informal sector as the difference between official GDP an...

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Formal-Informal Dichotomy of Work in India
Author: Sazzad Parwez

This study tries to comprehend the facets of the increasing informalisation of work in India. It uses a deductive approach to analyse the secondary data and literature on the subject. Informalisation of the workforce is not a unique phenomenon restricted to India. Reforms have expedited the informalisation of work in India, which has a detrimental impact on the nature of newly ...

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The Shadow Economy and Its Determinants

The shadow economy includes economic activities that are not recognized and unregulated by public authorities. These activities cause significant challenges for policymakers by reducing tax revenue and weakening regulatory frameworks. Understanding the factors that influence the shadow economy is crucial for developing effective policies to mitigate its adverse effects. This s...

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The Missing Piece: A Copyright Index

This paper aims to add to the literature on intellectual property protection by creating an index/database to reflect the strength of copyright and related rights for 109 countries for 2023. The index is primarily based on a range of factors like coverage of the law, membership in copyright conventions and its duration, copyright applications and enforcement mechanisms. The e...

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The Components of the International Property Rights Index that Matter for Economic Growth

The International Property Rights Index (IPRI) is considered a credible source of information for the public and policymakers, focusing on its components’ impact on economic growth. The study analysed the GDP per capita of 13 EU countries over 13 years (2009–2021) to assess the significance of IPRI components on economic growth. The research utilized correlation and regression ...

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Trade Reforms and Smooth Labour Market Adjustments in India?

There is a growing concern among economists that the trade policy reforms resulting from India’s growing participation in various multilateral and bilateral agreements has not benefitted all workers engaged in the manufacturing sector. As per existing literature, reform-led reallocation of workers from contracting to expanding sectors will be relatively less costly, if intra-in...

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Statistical Data Collection Challenges amid COVID-19 Pandemic

The importance of reliable statistical data is even more urgent in the context of the coronavirus crisis, in terms of managing the risks for public health, restarting the world economy and addressing the long-term economic and social impact of the pandemic. Government lockdowns, social distancing and work from home restrictions, imposed to contain the spread of COVID-19, pose i...

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Inequality: A Problem for the Indian Economy

The economic slow-down and COVID-19 pandemic have highlighted India’s extreme crisis inequality. India is an unequal country: 84% of household sector income declined in 2021, at the same time that the number of billionaires went up from 102 to 142. According to the World Inequality Report, the income of the top 10% of the population is 20 times that of the bottom 50% and this g...

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Governments Manipulate Data
Author: Bruno S. Frey

Governments widely manipulate official economic and social data—but the public tends to disregard this fact. There is extensive empirical evidence that governments extensively manipulate official data. National statistical offices should be independent of their government to fight such manipulation, and alternative data producers should be supported. The public should be aware ...

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The Impact of Brexit on International Trade and Investment

The study examines the historical economic trends of Great Britain, particularly the impact of the two world wars and the changes in trade dynamics before and after joining the European Economic Partnership. Following the Brexit referendum (2016–2019), trade between the UK and the EU increased from £570 billion to £678 billion. The Agreement on Trade and Cooperation led to new ...

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Trade in the Shadows

Accurate, timely and reliable statistics on international trade in goods and services are of considerable academic and policy relevance. A major source of illicit financial flows (IFFs) out of developing countries accrues from the under-invoicing of commodity exports. Researchers have highlighted the critical importance of reliable trade data to estimate the magnitude of IFFs a...

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Argentina, Crises and the International Monetary Fund
Author: Graham Bird

Argentina has a long history of economic, financial and currency crises and has been exhibiting crisis characteristics since 2018. Crises in Argentina may be analysed using currency crisis models and in particular, experience seems to fit the first-generation model. After a break of 15 years, Argentina has had programs with the International Monetary Fund, a standby agreement i...

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Measuring the Informal Economy in Morocco

This paper, relying on the electricity consumption method, attempts to both measure the size of the informal economy in Morocco and construct a larger time series dataset for the Moroccan informal economy. We use the Kaufmann and Kaliberda (1996) model to calculate the size of the informal economy over the period 1971 to 2014. The results show that this hidden part of the econ...

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The International Liquidity Concept and Developing Economies’ Foreign Exchange Markets
Author: Joseph Bitar

The concept is introduced and its importance for macroeconomic analysis in developing and emerging economies is highlighted. International liquidity is defined as the sum of: i) Central bank’s gross international reserves, ii) Resident banks’ international liquid assets, iii) International currency notes held by resident agents. The paper discusses the unique characteristics of...

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Are Purchasing Power Parity Exchange Rates Misleading in Oil-Rich Gulf Countries?

This article examines the accuracy of purchasing power parity (PPP) rates in Saudi Arabia. It highlights concerns about the perceived wealth of Saudi citizens based on interviews with American expatriates and wage statistics. It discusses the limitations of the Saudi International Comparison Program (ICP) data, including variations in data quality, differences in product select...

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How Share Prices Fluctuate

The stationarity of the stock market’s value (q) and the mean reversion of its real return are its most obvious and exceptional characteristics. • These characteristics allow the cost of capital to be calculated, and the results are incompatible with the consensus growth model. The Stock Market Model (SMM) includes these features. It is testable and robust when tested; it is t...

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Assessing Economic Data Integrity Amidst Sovereign Default

The sovereign default of Sri Lanka in April 2022 has sparked concerns about the accuracy and reliability of official economic data, including GDP, inflation, and unemployment figures. The integration of statistical agencies under government ministries in developing countries like Sri Lanka raises concerns about political influence and data integrity. The inflation data in Sri L...

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Measuring the Non-observed Economy in Vietnam

This article takes advantage of new political demand at the government’s highest level to focus on measurement of the informal economy in Vietnam from a statistical perspective. The main challenges, concepts and definitions regarding the informal economy within the framework of the non-observed economy are reviewed. A discussion of alternative methodologies for measuring the ...

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Shedding Light on the Shadow Economy

The shadow or informal economy covers all economic activities which are hidden from official authorities for monetary, regulatory and institutional reasons. Although widely used, multiple indicator-multiple cause (MIMIC) models have been criticised, and we develop a modified model and database covering 157 countries over the years 1991 to 2017. We tested our model using satelli...

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Predicting Probability of Soft-Landing, Stagflation and Monetary Policy Pivots
Author: Azhar Iqbal

The study introduces a new framework to predict the probability of stagflation, soft-landing, and recession. It identifies 13 episodes each of stagflation and soft-landings in the U.S. economy post-1950, and notes 11 recessions as suggested by the NBER. An ordered probit framework is used to generate one-year-out probabilities for stagflation, recession, and soft-landing, with ...

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