Predicting Probability of Soft-Landing, Stagflation and Monetary Policy Pivots
A New Approach
• Author(s): Azhar Iqbal
• Published: December 2024
• Pages in paper: 36
The study introduces a new framework to predict the probability of stagflation, soft-landing, and recession. It identifies 13 episodes each of stagflation and soft-landings in the U.S. economy post-1950, and notes 11 recessions as suggested by the NBER. An ordered probit framework is used to generate one-year-out probabilities for stagflation, recession, and soft-landing, with accurate predictions in the post-1980 period. A new method identifies 26 episodes of monetary policy pivots post-1990, and a probit model predicts the six-month-out probability of such pivots. The study presents a framework to predict the fed funds rate up to four FOMC meetings out, comparing its accuracy with FOMC and Blue-Chip forecasts.
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